Results of the blog-poll:
A couple of weeks ago I posted a poll on my sidebar asking readers/viewers about my blog. Here is the question and the muliple-choice-list of possible answers: Which feature(s) would you like to see more of? 1 - Anna's handmade jewellery. Show more detailed photos. 2 - Tutorials that show step-by-step how to make a piece of jewellery. 3 - Personal stories that are not necessarily about jewellery. 4 - The history of jewellery-making. 5 - Connect "sources of inspiration" with results, i.e. show jewellery with source. 6 - What the children do: their drawings and jewellery. 7 - From my sketchbook. thumbnails that become jewellery. Only three readers voted. But I am very grateful to these people, whoever they are.The results of the poll shows that I should do more with jewellery and get back on course. More specifically, feature number two (2) "Tutorials that show step-by-step how to make a piece of jewellery." got two votes, and feature number seven (7) "From m...