
Showing posts from January, 2010

No modem until around February 4th!

This time I am sitting at the University Library, CNB (the Norrkoping branch of the University of Linkoping). But Elisabet is with me so I can't stay long. We've had a blizzard here and got about a foot of snow in one night. I'll try to take some more recent pics than this one from before Christmas, but it is bitter cold. Minus 19 degrees Celsius at nine AM. Hugs and thanks to everyone who has stopped by to check on me. Anna

Still blogging at the public library!

Hopefully I will get my modem repaired and returned to me tomorrow. I apologise to everyone who advertises on my blog with out any new content to get readers interested in visiting. But I have not been idle. I have been working on making jewellery! My first posts will be about new pieses of jewellery that I would like to get some feed back on before listing them in my shop! Best wishes Anna P.S. Working at the library means that I am borrowing a computer and do not have access to new photos. This is why I have "recycled" older pics to have something for "LinkWithin" to latch onto.

Still offline!

It's Friday, January 22nd, and I am still not connected! I am writing this at the public library again and don't have much time.It may take until sometimew next week to get my modem back! Thank you all who havbe stopped by and left comments! Hugs to you all!! Best wishes Anna

OFFLINE from January 7th to 17th - My modem suddenly died!!

I apoligise for not getting the English-transaltion about the cat shelter up. My modem suddenly stopped working and I have been offline for ten days. I am sitting at the public library trying to catch up. If any of you had your ad on my widget during the 11th to the 15th of January, please let me know in a comment, and I will give you an extra thank-you-link. Best wishes, Anna

Wordless Wednesday: Snow-landscape

The view from our house: A snowy landscape! Happy Wordlessness! Anna

Random Tuesday Thoughts: Not Finished with Christmas - Part One

Not Finished with Christmas - Part One As I mentioned yesterday, I'm not finished with Christmas. Some of you may recall that just before Christmas, I lamented over the fact that we were not going to have a Christmas tree for the children, Erik, eight years old and Elisabet, only five. It was not my choice. We own forest. We usually can go out to our own forest and cut down our own Christmas tree. But this year my husband, T said no, without giving any real explaination. "It's too much work; it makes such a mess..." Yeah, well "too much work for whom ?" I might ask? Who usually puts it up and takes it down? In order to have something Christmassy on my blog, I posted some pics from a couple years ago that showed our lastest/last(?) Christmas tree. (Everybody looked two years younger too.) Some visiters to my blog even thought that I was posting this year's Christmas tree. Well, if you are in a hurry and don't have time to read the captions, it is ...

New Year's Resolutions? I'm not finished with Christmas yet!

Most bloggers have already written their New Year's resolutions by now. I am not really finished with Christmas! I got a cold yesterday and am sitting here with soggy paper tissues trying to keep my running nose from dropping over the keyboard while I write. There are lots of things to write about. I have about three to four unfinished texts that I could post, but they're not ready yet. I'll have to write at least one more post about Christmas before I'm done. I have been thinking about the cats at Katthemmet Kompis who endured first a fire and then cold winter weather when they ran away. Amazingly a few of these cats have been found after several days of wandering about in the woods. I would like to praise the fire-fighters and the people who take care of these shelter cats for their efforts in rescuing them. Nybro is several hours away from where we live. I can't drive a car filled with cat food and other supplies that they have listed on their website , even i...

This week with EntreCard: Thank you for advertising !

Thank you for advertising on my widget 27 December 2009 - 3 January 2010: Sunday 27 December - Shopping Monday 28 December - Bakatsuki Fashion And Costume Tuesday 29 December - Gemma Stothard - My Art My Way Wednesday 30 December - Coming Back to Life Thursday 31 December - God's Best Gift Friday 1 January - Parents Times Saturday 2 January - Life's Tricky Situations Sunday 3 January - Take a coffee break...sip slowly... Best wishes Anna

PhotoHunt Theme # 194 "Lick"

This week's PhotoHunt Theme is "Lick". I was hoping to get a shot of Cajsa Cat licking water running from the tap in the bathroom. But the best I could do is her licking water from a little blue cup. Taking pictures of your pets takes time and patience. I admire those who really can do this well! Happy Weekend! Anna P.S. If you live in Sweden, please read yesterday's post about the fire at Katthemmet Kompis outside of Nybro. Many cats died, but those who survived need food and other supplies. ----- Om Ni bor i Sverige, vänligen ta en titt på gårdagens inlägg om branden på Katthemmet Kompis utanför Nybro. De behöver hjälp. Tack! PhotoHunt

ALERT To Cat-Lovers in Sweden-A Shelter has burned down outside of Nybro

To all my English-speaking friends. I am using Anna's blog as a megaphone to reach as many people in Sweden I can. Please forgive me for writing this post in Swedish. I need to reach people who can help out. To cat lovers living near Nybro, Sweden. A cat shelter has been destroyed by fire today. January first. ----- Till alla som älskar katter och bor nära Nybro i Småland. Katthemmet Kompis brann ner idag, första januari 2010. De behöver hjälp, pengar och kattmat: Katthemmet Kompis har brunnit ner Katthemmet Kompis brann i natt ner till grunden . Brandkåren är fortfarande där. Många katter är räddade, några sprang ut i skogen. Vi vet fortfarande inte hur många som omkom i branden. Hela vårt stora matförråd brann ner, så vi är i stort behov av mat. Orsaken till branden är fortfarande oklar. Vi gråter och är väldigt chockade! Har ni möjlighet att skänka kattmat, sand, pengar m.m. till oss så maila mig. Vill ni skänka en valfri slant så är vi väldigt tacksa...