Not Finished with Christmas - Part One As I mentioned yesterday, I'm not finished with Christmas. Some of you may recall that just before Christmas, I lamented over the fact that we were not going to have a Christmas tree for the children, Erik, eight years old and Elisabet, only five. It was not my choice. We own forest. We usually can go out to our own forest and cut down our own Christmas tree. But this year my husband, T said no, without giving any real explaination. "It's too much work; it makes such a mess..." Yeah, well "too much work for whom ?" I might ask? Who usually puts it up and takes it down? In order to have something Christmassy on my blog, I posted some pics from a couple years ago that showed our lastest/last(?) Christmas tree. (Everybody looked two years younger too.) Some visiters to my blog even thought that I was posting this year's Christmas tree. Well, if you are in a hurry and don't have time to read the captions, it is ...