
Showing posts from May, 2010

Extra S-words: Seed beads, Stark and Sara / This Week with Entrecard May 24th to 30th

One very important jewellery S-word that I did not have time to include in my S-post is Seed beads ! Photo courtesy of Yvonne Stark of Stark Design Seed beads are small glass beads that can be used as spacers (beads between other larger beads) or woven into cuffs or sewn on clothes like sequins . There are alot of beaders that use seed beads. Seed beads come in different sizes such as 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 and 15. The larger the size-number the smaller the bead! Size 15 is tiny, only 1.3mm in diameter, while size 6 is 3.3mm in diameter! Yvonne Stark (also an S-word) is a Swedish designer that makes beautiful pieces of beaded jewellery and accessories using seed beads. To see more of Yvonne's work go to her shop here. and then click on "Galleri". If you live in Sweden, why not buy some seedbeads while you are visiting Yvonne Stark's shop ! (This is not and Ad, just something I like.) This is Yvonne Stark and not Anna! ------ My cat Cajsa celebrated her 11th birthd...

S as in Silver - abc Wednsday - S - Alphabe-Thursday S

Today is Wednesday and once again it is time to play my two favourite alphabet-memes, Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's abc-Wednesday and Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday. This week both memes have the letter "S". Similar to the letter "R", there are lots and lots of S-words to choose from. After so many R-words last week, I have decided to try to limit myself to S-words that are related to my main subject, jewellery-making. So my S-word is Silver , a precious metal that is widely used to make pieces of jewellery . Here we see a finger ring and a bangel that I made of sterling silver at a beginners' silver-smithing course that I took a year ago. Not very exciting? No. But I learned the basics of how to solder silver. Until that time when I can afford to invest in silver-smithing equipment there are already good silver smiths who can do the kind of jewellery that I would like to be able to do one day. Take a look at Trudie Davies' ring here. You c...

One more R-word/This week with Entrecard, May 17th to 23rd

I would like to add one more R-word to my most recent post for abcWednesday/Alphabe-Thursday - R: RASBERRIES!! Rasberries from Wikipedia My R-post has already featured Maria Bower's wonderful roses. Here are some whimsical and beautiful rasberry earrings . Visit her UK- shop and her Etsy shop, roseparadise ! (This is not an ad, just something I like!) ------ Thank you for advertising with me on my EC-widget this past week, from Maj 17th to 23rd. Please visit these great sites : Monday, May 17th - Sparkle Tuesday, May 18th - Sara Cat writes / Sara Katt skriver Wednesday, May 19th - The Red Cat Society Thursday, May 20th - A Rose by Name Friday, May 21st - Dashery Jewelry Saturday, May 22nd - Split Rock Ranch Sunday, May 23rd - Mariuca's Perfume Gallery Best wishes, Anna First Commenter: Ann of Snap Edit & Scrap