Roentgen's photo of Albert von Koelliker's hand from January 23rd, 1896. It is Tuesday, June 29th and both Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's abc-Wednesday and Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday have the letter 'X' as this week's assignment. My first X -word is X-ray . Since here is a shortage of X-words, I suspect that many participants will choose this word as a solution to this challenge. I choose the word X-ray with mixed feelings, because it is an area of study for which I have absolutely no prerequisites. I was rotten in school when it came to the subject Physics. It will be interesting to see how others present their X-words! But thanks to Wikipedia, maybe I will be able to get through this alright. X-rays If I were writing this post in Swedish, the subjects of rays used to make plates showing the insides of our bodies, would not belong to the X-words, but rather the R-words, as the Swedish language follows the German usage of the term 'Roentgen-...