
Showing posts from April, 2011

Aerosmith - Toxic Graffiti 1993

AEROSMITH TOXIC GRAFFITI 1. Toys In the Attic 2. Sweet Emotion-      -Peter Gunn Theme Medley 3. Cryin' 4. Dude (Looks Like A Lady) 5. Livin' On The Edge 6. Walk This Way 7. Hangman Jury 8. Big Ten Inch Record 9. Dream On 10. Train Kept A Rollin' 11. Walkin' The Dog 12. Toys In The Attic 13. Cryin' 14. Walk This Way Recorded: 1-6: Walden Woods Benefit Concert, Foxboro Stadium, NY, September 6th, 1993; 7-12: MTV Unplugged at Ed Sullivan Studios, August 11, 1990; 13-14: MTV Europe's Most Wanted, Nov or Dec 1993 and not USA 1993 as listed. Comments: Another CD containing the MTV Unplugged 1990 session together with the Walden Woods Benefit concert broadcast; both in excellent stereo. Hangman Jury listed as Love Comes Tumbling Down. CD titles with identical setlists as above are 'Dude' and Cryin' COVERS INCLUDED MP3/320K/150MB DOWNLOAD AT: HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

TUNZ RADIO PROGRAMMING updates at facebook too!

you don't need a facebook account to see us! +++    +++    +++ TUNZ RADIO PROGRAMMING UPDATES share your own concert photos or any photos! if you are on facebook then "like" us & show your support. YOU CAN LISTEN TO TUNZ RADIO THRU FACEBOOK [I doubt they thought this one thru, but YES I am broadcasting bootlegs right thru facebook! lmao] can buy TUNZ WORLD KOOZIES thru facebook. STOP BY & SAY "HI" [HERE]

Rory Gallagher - Koncerthuset: Stockholm, Sweden 10.27.1979

thank you antonio for the share! Rory Gallagher 10/27/79 Koncerthuset, Stockholm, Sweden setlist: Wayward Child I Wonder Who Bought & Sold Follow Me Keychain Moonchild Out On The Western Plain As The Crow Flies Going To My Hometown The Last Of The Independants A Million Miles Away Shadow Play Bullfrog Blues Sea Cruise> Jenny Take A Ride Secret Agent Messing With The Kid front cover only mp3/256k/166mb DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE: HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Sanna is writing a novel - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 52

Please find Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions for this week's Saturday Centus after my SC-text, which follows here: ------ Although the traditional gift for a first anniversary is paper, Alice Nilsson received a huge package of handmade watercolour-paper from her husband Staffan... "Oh no!" thought Sanna Rumsten, who was writing a novel. "It should be ' Since the traditional gift for a first anniversary is paper...'." Sanna continued: "How did you know? This is exactly what I need right now! Thank you!" Alice said, kissing the six-foot-four-inch-accountant, whom she had wed one year ago. Staffan helped other businesses. The owner of the art supply store was one of his clients. "Much better." said Sanna, pleased with herself. WordCount according to WordCalc: 98 ------ Best wishes, Anna First Commenter: Judie of Rogue Artists ------ Here are Mrs. Jenny Matlock's instructions: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! This is week fifty-two o...

Birgitta's heart-bracelet is in an Etsy Treasury

Best wishes, Anna First Commenter: xxx

Rick Wakeman - Santiago, Chile 09.09.2000

this is a repost from about a year ago covers included mp3/320k/254mb DOWNLOAD LINKS AT: HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Them Crooked Vultures - Hordern Pavillion, Sydney 2010

Them Crooked Vultures Hordern Pavillion Sydney (2010)  Source: FM Broadcast 01 - No One Loves Me & Neither Do I 02 - Dead End Friends 03 - Scumbag Blues 04 - Elephants 05 - New Fang 06 - Mind Eraser, No Chaser 07 - Caligulove 08 - Warsaw no covers FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD LINKS AT: FLAC/323MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/114MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Anna has curated two new Etsy treasuries!

Best wishes, Anna First Commenter: xxx

Steve Miller Band - Duesseldorf 11.15.2010

STEVE MILLER BAND Duesselsdorf Phillipshalle 15.11.2010 01 radio intro 02 take the money and run 03 mercury blues 04 hey yeah 05 don't cha know 06 serenade 07 abracadabra 08 come on let the good times roll 09 rockin' me 10 jungle love 11 fly like an eagle 12 the joker 13 radio outro no covers FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD LINKS ARE HERE: FLAC/321MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/117MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Birgitta has curated a new Etsy treasury!

Best wishes, Anna First Commenter: xxx

Bootleg Tunz Radio DJ Contestant #162


Fleetwood Mac - Live in Mobile 08.11.1980

this is a repost and a upgrade, enjoy FLAC & MP3 @ 320K Fleetwood Mac Live at the Muncipal Auditorium Mobile, Alabama 11.8.80 Tracklisting : Monday Morning The Chain Don't Stop Dreams Oh Well Rhiannon Over & Over What Makes You Think You're The One Tusk Think About Me I'm So Afraid Angel You Make Loving Fun front cover only FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD LINKS ARE HERE: FLAC/518MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/167MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Train - Workplay Theatre: Birmingham, AL 06.11.2004

Train Workplay Theatre Birmingham, AL 06-11-2004 01: My Private Nation 02: Shes On Fire 03: Save The Day 04: Ramble On 05: Little Buddy Dance 06: I Am 07: Counting On You 08: About To Come Alive 09: All American Girl 10: Flat Foot 11: It's About You 12: Calling All Angels no covers FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE: FLAC/344MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/139MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Sonny Rollins - Copenhagen, Denmark 06.09.1968

Sonny Rollins Date: September 6, 1968 Location: Café Montmartre, Copenhagen, Denmark Label: private recording Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Kenny Drew (p),  Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen (b), Albert "Tootie" Heath (d) 01 Four - 47:50  (Miles Davis, Bill Loughborough)       Moon CD: MCD 037-2 — In Denmark Volume 1   (1992) 02 Naima - 10:21  (John Coltrane)       Moon CD: MCD 037-2 — In Denmark Volume 1   (1992) 03 Three Little Words - 31:48  (Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby)       Moon CD: MCD 038-2 — In Denmark Volume 2   (1992) 04 St. Thomas - 2:56  (Sonny Rollins)       Moon CD: MCD 038-2 — In Denmark Volume 2   (1992) 05 Sonnymoon For Two - 20:13  (Sonny Rollins)       Moon CD: MCD 015-2 — Sonnymoon For Two   (1988)       Moon CD: MCD 038-2 — In Denmark Volume 2   (1992) 06 unidentified - 1:21  ...

Sanna takes a walk - Mrs.Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 51

Here is my text for Saturday Centus Week 51, using the picture promt above. (Mrs. Matlock's intstructions are to be found after my text.) [ Hey folks! I've written a "Part Two" to this story! Just keep scrolling after you read this first part until you come to PART TWO ! Sanna was working alone in the new apartment without the children to distract her. She had unpacked, rearranged furniture and even ran a load of clothes in the laundry-room downstairs. Only recently had she stopped wearing her wedding rings. The divorce was finalized. She wasn't married anymore. And since the children were staying with their father until Monday, she actually could concievably have gone out on a date; that is, if she had known someone; but there was no one around. Feeling tired after doing chores all morning, Sanna decided to rest before taking a walk. It was a beautiful spring day. It would be nice to look at some of the neighbours' gardens, she thought, as she lay on top of ...

Prince - Purple High Court 1992

here's a repost from a few years ago PRINCE AND THE NEW POWER GENERATION PURPLE HIGH COURT 15 JUNE 1992 Tracks: 1 launch intro 2 precious lord,take my hand (thomas a.dorsey) 3 thunder 4 daddy pop 5 diamonds and pearls 6 let's go crasy 7 kiss 8 race(instr)-dead on it 9 jughead 10 purple rain 11 live 4 love 12 lively up yourself (bob marley) 13 willing and able 14 damn u 15 sexy mf 16 oriental instrumental 17 thieves in the temple 18 it-sexy mf 19 a night in tunisia (dizzy gillespie) 20 strollin'(instr) 21 insatiable front cover only  mp3/vbr240/158mb DOWNLOAD LINKS AT: HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

fIREHOSE - Austin Alternatives 1988

fIREHOSE ‘Austin Alternatives #27’ Liberty Lunch,  Austin, TX May ??, 1988 01) DJ Intro 02) On Your Knees 03) Honey Please 04) Operation Solitaire 05) Choose Any Memory 06) Chemical Wire 07) Hear Me 08) Caroms 09) Locked-In 10) Backroads 11) From One Cums One 12) Making the Freeway 13) DJ Outro no covers FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD LINKS AT: FLAC/182MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/67MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Dixie Dregs - Lee Furr's Studio: May 30, 1978 Tucson, AZ

covers included FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD LINKS AT: FLAC/472MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/210MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Tina/parltradet has curated a new treasury!

Best wishes, Anna First Commenter: xxx

Pat Travers Band - Holland FM Radio 02.12.1995

Pat Travers February 12, 1995 (Daytime Radio Show) The Leidsekade, KRO, Hilversum, Holland Set List: 01  Fall To Pieces 02  The Pain 03  Interview 04  Snortin' Whiskey no covers FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD AT: FLAC/120MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/45MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

Bootleg Tunz Radio DJ Contestant #161


Henry Rollins Band - Live Lyon 1989

Henry Rollins Band Le Caméléon Lyon-Villeurbanne (France) December 7, 1989 01. Lonely~ Burned Beyond Recognition~ What Have I Got 02. Tearing 03. Wreck-Age~ Out There 04. You Didn't Need 05. 1,000 Times Blind 06. Hard 07. Followed Around 08. Ghostrider~ band intro 09. Black & White~ Do It 10. Stand By Me 11. Crazy Lover  no covers FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD AT: FLAC/517MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/182MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld

SC # 48, 49 & 50 - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus

Welcome to Saturday Centus for Week 50 (which will include texts for weeks 48 & 49)! For several reasons I have not been able to participate in Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus for weeks 48 and 49. Since the text we are to write for Week 50 is a review of a text written for Week 49, I have decided to post three texts for week 50. This means that I am presenting these texts in this reading-order: first week 48, then week 49 and then lastly, week 50. Please read my texts in this order. (Mrs. Matlock's instructions for each week's assignment follows each text. ) ------ Here is my text for SC week 48: "How d'ya do it?" asked Judie, sitting beside Sanna in the rented airport-car, barrelling down a road through the Arizona desert. "It's been tough. [Please look at the map. We're getting close.] But I got lucky." "'Lucky', how?" Judie looked at the road-map and signs along the highway. "How d'ya get enough for air...

Bon Jovi - Rogers Arena: Vancouver, Canada 03.26.2011

Bon Jovi Rogers Arena Vancouver, BC, Canada March 26, 2011  Setlist Intro Last Man Standing  You Give Love a Bad Name  Born to Be My Baby  We Weren't Born to Follow  Lost Highway  Whole Lot Of Leavin' Jon (talking)  It's My Life  Runaway  Raise Your Hands  We Got It Goin' On  Bad Medicine / Hot Legs  Lay Your Hands on Me (Richie on Vocals) (You Want To) Make A Memory  Living In Sin / Chapel of Love (acoustic) Jon (talking part 2)  Squeezebox  Someday I'll Be Saturday Night Who Says You Can't Go Home  Captain Crash & the Beauty Queen From Mars  Work for the Working Man  Have a Nice Day  Keep the Faith  # Encore: Something to Believe In  Wanted Dead or Alive  These Days  Livin' on a Prayer  Bonus from March 25th: Blood on Blood  The More Things Change  Bad Medicine / Pretty Woman Bed of Roses  I'll Be There For You (Jon and Richie on vocals) Mystery Tr...


for those of you that are hanging out on Tunz Radio, as you can see for some time too.... THANX! We are continuing to improve for you "The Tunz World Visitors" [Tunz Radio does have a "mute" option in the player] +++

Bootleg Tunz Radio DJ Contestant #160


Miles Davis - Tokyo, Japan 06.19.1973

covers included FLAC & MP3 @ 320K DOWNLOAD AT: FLAC/565MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD MP3/209MB HOTFILE ~OR~ MEGAUPLOAD password: bootlegtunzworld