O as in Open, Obsidian, Onyx - abc Wednesday, round 6 - O - and Alphabe-Thursday - O

In keeping with my ambition to choose jewellery-related words, my first O-word is "open squares". This photo above shows some Czech pressed glass beads that I like very much. They are called "Open Squares". Here are some earrings that I made with some open squares:

I wanted to include the stone "Opal", which is also used in jewellery. But I don't have any jewellery with an opal in it. So I only have three O-words this week, "Open Squares", "Obsidian" and "Onyx".
Best wishes,Anna
For more O-words at Mrs. Matlock's Alphab-Thursday please click here.
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Roger Owen Green
Ramlin' with Roger
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