C is for Cats - ABC-Wednesday, Round 7 - C
My very first cat, Cajsa, born 1991.
She hopped onto my bed this morning and lay down on my tummy and purred. Nice alarm-clock?
She hopped onto my bed this morning and lay down on my tummy and purred. Nice alarm-clock?
It's time for Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday, Round 7, and this week the challenge is the letter 'C'. My C-word is Cat or Cats. In case anyone hasn't noticed, I really like cats. I have three cats and the children want to adopt two more! This first photo is my very first cat, Cajsa, who is eleven years old. So I never had a cat as a child. I got my first cat as an adult. Cajsa is part Norwegian Forest Cat and part Angora.
I think cats are beautiful animals. I like images of cats, even toys. Here is a wooden puzzle with three cats painted on it, that I bought for the children:
I think cats are beautiful animals. I like images of cats, even toys. Here is a wooden puzzle with three cats painted on it, that I bought for the children:
My husband was against me getting my first cat, but he rescued a kitten that was trapped under the roof of a root-cellar on our farm. This kitten became his special friend, Calle Cat:

When you have a special interest, you are more likely to notice images in your surroundings that relate to your interest. Here is a sign with two cats on it, for no special reason than to be a nice decoration for this farm:

Cats are beautiful. I bought a chair for my son because it had a pattern with cats on it. Now that we have two children, I wish I had purchased two! Yes, the cats like to sit in it too.

One very snowy, windy day in February two years ago, a red kitten came wandering into the garden on the farm. My son Erik found her and took her inside to warm up. We named her Anna-Lisa after my grandmother and a girl in a movie* about a group of children that wander in a snowstorm looking for shelter. My sister-in-law took her in permanently because my husband put a limit at three cats in our household. This is a recent photo of Anna-Lisa, as a grown cat.
Lin, of 'Duck and Wheel With String' left this comment on Calle Cat's blog:
Do you know what is cuter than a red cat??? RED KITTENS!!! Hooray! How very exciting to have two stripey kittens!! Give them a big smoochie from Aunt Lin. :)
This is Nils:

This is Anna Mathilda

Lin knows what she's talking about. Here is her cat Hobbes, who is co-blogger with Calle on The Red Cat Society, our blog.
Photo copyright Lin of Duck and Wheel With String
Do you know what is cuter than a red cat??? RED KITTENS!!! Hooray! How very exciting to have two stripey kittens!! Give them a big smoochie from Aunt Lin. :)
This is Nils:

This is Anna Mathilda

Lin knows what she's talking about. Here is her cat Hobbes, who is co-blogger with Calle on The Red Cat Society, our blog.
Photo copyright Lin of Duck and Wheel With String
Hmmm... Am I missing someone? Of course, my little blogging cat, Sara of Sara Cat writes / Sara Katt skriver:

Thank you for visiting!
Best wishes,
Purrs from Cajsa, Calle, Anna-Lisa, Nils, Anna Matilda and Sara Cat
First Commenter:
of Lovely Purses

To see more interesting posts about C-words, please click here to go to ABC Wednesday, with thanks to Mrs Nesbitt and others who work to maintain this wonderful meme.

Thank you for visiting!
Best wishes,
Purrs from Cajsa, Calle, Anna-Lisa, Nils, Anna Matilda and Sara Cat
First Commenter:
of Lovely Purses

To see more interesting posts about C-words, please click here to go to ABC Wednesday, with thanks to Mrs Nesbitt and others who work to maintain this wonderful meme.
* The movie in question was Barnen från Frostmofjället (1945), after a novel by Laura Fitinghoff (1848-1908) from 1907. Seven orphaned children avoid being sent to the poor house, by making their way on foot in a snowstorm in the 1860's years of famine in Sweden. The oldest brother takes care of his younger siblings through their travels, looking for shelter and new families. One of his sisters, Anna-Lisa, wins the hearts of a couple who had just lost their daughter to an unnamed illness, by singing to and comforting their only surviving child, a son, who is also battling the same illness. Their daughter's name was also 'Anna-Lisa'.
The children love this very serious black-and-white film. I cannot see it without shedding tears.
The children love this very serious black-and-white film. I cannot see it without shedding tears.
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