K is for Kittens - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2 - K, Meow Diaries Fluffy Friday #50

K is for kittens! This is Anna-Lisa and her two kits, Anna-Matilda and Nils. This is not an entirely happy post, as these kittens went to another home and not to the children Elisabet and Erik. I'll just have to let this post be a sort of 'Wordless Wednesday', as I just don't know what to say. We all miss the kittens, who are almost grown now, but are happy that they are living with good people.
I am linking to Mrs. Jenny Matlocks' Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2 - K as well as Mariuca's Meow Diaries, Fluffy Friday # 50.
I am linking to Mrs. Jenny Matlocks' Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2 - K as well as Mariuca's Meow Diaries, Fluffy Friday # 50.
Best wishes,

A little later, the kits have grown...

More time passes and they almost look like grown up cats.

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Emily of

Second Commenter:
EG Wow

Third Commenter:
Gabe of in the details

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