F is for Fairy/Faerie, T is for Tooth-Faerie - Mrs Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday - F, and Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday- Round 2 - T

I wasn't sure that I would have time to post anything for Mrs Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday Round 8 - F. It is already Friday, February 25th, and I will be among the very last to post. So F is for Fairy or Faerie, depending upon what side of the Atlantic you are.
I am also linking up with Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2 -T. T is for Tooth and Tooth-fairy or Tooth-Faerie! Sorry Jenny! Please forgive me! I am so pressed for time this week and the next!

Photo & Copyright: Christina Wigren

The day before yesterday, the second of Elisabet's front baby teeth fell out. Actually, she had been wiggling it for several days until she more or less pulled it out herself.

My camera-memory-card is full. I have not been able to take new photos for two or three days now. (There are so many things going on right now that I may not be able to post anything at all next week.)

Photo & Copyright: Christina Wigren

So I am illustrating this post with the help of images from Wikipedia and my own photos from the loss of Elisabet's first front baby tooth.

Photo source: Wikipedia

Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Donnie of
New Blessing Everyday

To visit other posts about the letter F, please visit this site or click on the image for ABC-Wednesday, Round 8 - F below:

To visit other posts about the letter T, please visit Mrs. Jenny Matlock's site Off My Tangent or click on the image below for Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2 -T:

Jenny Matlock


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