Saturday Centus is Mrs Jenny Matlock's writing meme that has participants write up to 100 words to a given prompt. To celebrate the 60th week, we are only to use 60 words with a two-word-prompt, " Dear John ". This is my text: ------ This is Sanna's reply to a letter from John Tell : Dear John , I am sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. She was a wonderful woman. My divorce was final in April. The children and I moved to a smaller apartment with a bed-sofa in the livingroom, that you can use, if your work takes you to Sweden. Regards, Sanna ------ Wordcount according to WordCalc : 60 ------ Best wishes, Anna P.S. Whenever I write about Sanna, I am writing purely fictional texts, even if Sanna's life borrows content from my own. There is no "John Tell". He is inspired by several different boys I knew in school. Since John Tell is an American, he will give Sanna someone for whom she can explain about life in Sweden. He may be worth the fictional...