"Dear John"- Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 60

Saturday Centus is Mrs Jenny Matlock's writing meme that has participants write up to 100 words to a given prompt. To celebrate the 60th week, we are only to use 60 words with a two-word-prompt, "Dear John".
This is my text:
This is Sanna's reply to a letter from John Tell:
Dear John,
I am sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. She was a wonderful woman.
My divorce was final in April. The children and I moved to a smaller apartment with a bed-sofa in the livingroom, that you can use, if your work takes you to Sweden.
Wordcount according to WordCalc: 60
Best wishes,
Whenever I write about Sanna, I am writing purely fictional texts, even if Sanna's life borrows content from my own. There is no "John Tell". He is inspired by several different boys I knew in school. Since John Tell is an American, he will give Sanna someone for whom she can explain about life in Sweden. He may be worth the fictional airfare, just for that purpose, as tourist and old aquaintance.
To read other texts for Saturday Centus, Week 60 please go to this site or click on the image below:

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