Lots of snow & many thanks to EC-advertisers while my modem did not work
This is the view from my kitchen window. It was -17 degrees Celcius at 10 am. Today I would like to catch up on some unfinished business:

For different reasons, I have not been able to keep up with the good habit that Clara Drummund of Coming Back To Life has taught me, that is, to thank my EC-advertisers once a week and give them an extra link. The last time I have such a post was in January 3rd. After that, I started having big problems with my computer and finally my modem broke, which made it very really hard to get on line for several weeks.
I finally did get my modem repaired (or rather replaced) and have been trying to post as often as I can. (I had to abandon my plans to do the NaBloPoMo-challenge for February.) I woulod like to thank those I can, even if there is a five-day gap when I could not get online and not go to the library and use a computer there. Nothing to do but carry on!
Visit these blogging friends who had their card on my widget:
Monday, January 4th - Yummy as can be
Tuesday, January 5th - Life's Sweets and Spices
Wednesday, Jauary 6th - Cat Lovers' Site
Saturday, January 9th - Grampy and you
Monday, January 4th - Yummy as can be
Tuesday, January 5th - Life's Sweets and Spices
Wednesday, Jauary 6th - Cat Lovers' Site
Thursday, January 7th - The Modern Mom
Friday, January 8th - Cinnamon & Everything NiceSaturday, January 9th - Grampy and you
Advertiser on my widget from Monday, January 11th to Friday, January 15th are lost.
Saturday, January 16th, Maitri's Journal, Life at Dragonfly Cottage
Sunday, January 17th, Chic Galleria MagazineMonday, January 18th, Meow Diaries
Tuesday, January 19th, Business Sphere
Wednesday, January 20th, Lenox Knits
Friday, January 22nd, Orica's Gentle TonesSaturday, January 23rd, Alterity Art
Sunday, January 24th, Mariuca's Perfume GalleryMonday, January 25th, Managing the Home or Mother by Design (Sorry, I can't find your URL)
Tuesday, January 26th, Meow DiariesWednesday, January 27th, Dogs Deserve Freedom
Thursday, January 28th, Grampy's World
Friday, January 29th, All Stace, All the Time
Saturday, January 30th, Creative Kids (Sorry, can't find your URL)Sunday, January 31st, Creative Fashion
Thank you all and welcome back!
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