Sara Cat bit Elisabet today

The children, Erik and Elisabet, had been playing with our boy-cat, Calle, all week. Calle Cat is a very kind and understanding tom, who never bites. If the children go too far, he just walks away. The girl-cats are not that nice. They can scratch and bite.

Calle was at the farm today. So Erik and Elisabet decided to play "kidnap-the-cat" with Sara Cat. Big mistake. Sara bit Elisabet's index finger so that it bled. She has already had a tetanus shot, so she did not have to get one now. But since her hand is swollen, she has to take antibiotics for a week and bathe her sore finger in a mild desinfectant. Elisabet sat bundled in the foldable stroller when we waded ten to fifteen blocks through the snow to get to the clinic.

So now you know why I haven't gotten that much done with my blog yet.

Hugs and best wishes,

I removed my "Dropaholics"-widget from my blog today. It seems that technical problems made it difficult to maintain. Pity. I thought that was fun.


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