H is for Happiness - Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's abc-Wednesday, round 7 - H

I am participating in Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's wonderful alphabet-theme-challenge, abc-Wednesday, Round 7. This week's letter is 'H'. My choice of H-word is 'Happiness', something that we are not always aware of that we have, until we lose it.
Happiness is in your hand,
As a pretty rock found in the sand,
Or sending bubbles to Wonderland.
Happiness is children's laughter,
Tiny flowers and running faster,
Fairy tales, so ever after.
Happiness is in your hand,
As two sets of footprints in the sand,
Come, make me happy, take my hand!
As a pretty rock found in the sand,
Or sending bubbles to Wonderland.
Happiness is children's laughter,
Tiny flowers and running faster,
Fairy tales, so ever after.
Happiness is in your hand,
As two sets of footprints in the sand,
Come, make me happy, take my hand!
Thanks for visiting!
Best wishes,
Scroll down past the abcWed-logo
to find a Swedish version of this poem.
First Commenter:
Mrs. Denise Nesbitt

Best wishes,
Scroll down past the abcWed-logo
to find a Swedish version of this poem.
First Commenter:
Mrs. Denise Nesbitt

This is my Swedish version/translation. (Now it's an L-word!):
Lyckan ligger i din hand,
Vacker som en sten funnen i sand,
Eller bubblor sända till Samarkand.
Lyckan klingar med barnens skratt,
Lyser i ögonen på min katt,
Eller ligger och lurar i en sagoskatt
Lyckan ligger i din hand
Som två par fotspår tryckt i sand
Kom, gör mig lycklig. Tag min hand!
Vacker som en sten funnen i sand,
Eller bubblor sända till Samarkand.
Lyckan klingar med barnens skratt,
Lyser i ögonen på min katt,
Eller ligger och lurar i en sagoskatt
Lyckan ligger i din hand
Som två par fotspår tryckt i sand
Kom, gör mig lycklig. Tag min hand!
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