My Favourite Blacks - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School - Surprise Colour Black
Sara Cat
Today is Thursday and time to link up with Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School.
We have already covered all of the rainbow colours. This week we do one last colour before resuming with a new journey through the letters of the alphabet. My Rainbow Mystery colour is black. Here are some of my favourite blacks. My mostly black cats, Sara and Cajsa:
Sara and Cajsa

Black is a popular colour for jewellery. Here are some pieces of my black jewellery with some gold-colour mixed in:

Some memories are remembered in tones of black and white - Here are some old photos that I have already shown on a post for French Obsession:
To see more Rainbow Surprise Colour-posts, please go to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School here.
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