E is for Embroidery and Erik - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2

E is for Embroidery and Erik. Erik, who is eight, worked on this embroidered family portrait for six weeks. He is in the third grade.

The picture shows, from left to right, his father, himself, his sister Elisabet and his mother, yours truly,
P.S. I am having computer problems BIG-TIME. I am sitting at the Public Library right at this moment and have not been able to get on line for three days. I tried to link up with Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday today, Saturday, but came too late. The link is already closed, as It usually closes on Fridays. But please go there to visit other E-posts for Alphabe-Thursday.
In order to be linked to some kind of link list, I have linked to Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus, one of the memes in which I usually participate. Please visit SC too.

First Commenter:
Ann of

To visit other posts about words starting with the letter E please go to Mrs.Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday at OffMyTangent here.
To visit Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 25, go here.

Jenny Matlock

Jenny Matlock

I have just recently (November first) linked [here] to this page about children's crafts. Click on the image of "Kids Get Crafty!" below to visit other posts about children doing crafts at home:


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