Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 26 - Saturday Centus Shake-up
Welcome to week twenty-six of Saturday Centus.
STOP! If you didn't read the end SC's from last week, please take a moment to do so. Just work backwards until you find out where you left off. I feel really bad that the people at the end don't get read.
Now on to regular SC biz...In case you've forgotten...
This is a themed writing meme and a different challenge this week.
Just to keep it interesting and keep your brain from growing any of that yucky mold that we sometimes find on leftovers hidden wayyyy at the back of the fridge...
You can use UP to 50 words to tell your story. Yes, I said 50! The prompt does not count for your 50 words AND it must be left intact in the body of your story. No illustrations are permitted. Your story can be fact or fiction, just keep it PG, please!
You have the entire week to link your work to the meme and you can link more than one story if you like.
Please display link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
I would suggest that since these are so short, if you can't think of a title just use your blog name as the title in the Linky.
Try to visit each one because there are some amazing writers participating in this meme. Since the links are so short they are also a fun and quick read.
Please e-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
This weeks shake-up prompt, is:
"Abraham Lincoln was a lot shorter then I thought he would be..."
Link anytime between now and next Saturday morning.
This is my SC-text:
"Had this dream," she said staring out the window.
"Go on," replied the woman behind the desk.
"And, in the dream, I went back a hundred fifty years or so. There was an election going on, and the candidates were each going to speak. I saw Lincoln. But..."
"But what?"
"Abraham Lincoln was a lot shorter then I thought he would be..."
Best wishes,
First Commenter:
Ann of
Ann's Snap Edit & Scrap

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