A Rainy Day in July - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus - Week 61

Photo Copyright Christina Wigren
Happy Fourth of July to Everyone in America!
Welcome to Week 61 of Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus, a writing meme where participants are asked to write a text to a given prompt, using only 100 words or less. This week's prompt is "Oh say can you see... " (which, for those of you who are not familiar with American patriotic songs, is a line from the American National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner.) But since I'm living in Sweden, I'll just try to use this prompt any way that I can. This is my text:
Sanna and her friend John were riding their bicycles home from the library. It had been unusually hot for Sweden, even for July. Thunder rumbled overhead from the gathering dark clouds. Then the sky opened up and drenched them. When they finally arrived at Sanna's apartment it was dark inside, as the power was out. It was dim but light enough to see where they were going.
Sanna was rummaging through a closet looking for towels and dry clothes when she pointed to the kitchen counter and asked John, "Oh say, can you see that flashlight over there and hand it to me?"
Wordcount according to WordCalc:97Sanna was rummaging through a closet looking for towels and dry clothes when she pointed to the kitchen counter and asked John, "Oh say, can you see that flashlight over there and hand it to me?"
Best wishes,

P.S. (This was written Monday, July 4th, 2011)
I wrote my centus text in a great hurry and it may need a little explaination:
When I write texts about Sanna, I am writing purely fictional stories, even though Sanna usually borrows content from my own life. In this text I am introducing a new character, John Tell, an acquaintance from America, whom Sanna met when she went to school there. John does not say much in this short centus text. His function is to give Sanna a reason to speak out loud. The cats would not be able to hand her a flashlight. John Tell is just visiting Sanna, but may stay a while if I can give him a reason to stay.
The real life background to this story is that I actually rode my bike to the library on Saturday, the same day as this centus, in order to borrow the library's computer, since I don't have a printer at home. I stopped by the new apartment (since I only received the keys the day before) to take measurements and really got depressed. It is so small, cheesy and plastic compared to the home that I am forced to leave. It was only about three in the afternoon when it started turning dark and I heard thunder and saw lightning. And then it started to rain really, really hard. I had to get back to the old place since there is nothing there yet - no furniture or food or even toilet paper or light bulbs in the new apartment. I was alone, of course. It would have been fun to have had a friend along. I decided to be nice to Sanna and let her have John Tell with her in the rain. I rode my bike splashing through puddles and shedding tears and was drenched when I got "home". I had to take all my clothes off.
The photo of the fireworks in the evening sky is from the Swedish holiday Valborg, April 30th, when there is a great bonfire to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring. And there are usually fireworks too. Forgive me for using it to illustrate the Fourth of July. The last time I actually saw fireworks for a celebration of the Fourth was long before I owned a digital camera. This photo was taken this April 30th.
------I wrote my centus text in a great hurry and it may need a little explaination:
When I write texts about Sanna, I am writing purely fictional stories, even though Sanna usually borrows content from my own life. In this text I am introducing a new character, John Tell, an acquaintance from America, whom Sanna met when she went to school there. John does not say much in this short centus text. His function is to give Sanna a reason to speak out loud. The cats would not be able to hand her a flashlight. John Tell is just visiting Sanna, but may stay a while if I can give him a reason to stay.
The real life background to this story is that I actually rode my bike to the library on Saturday, the same day as this centus, in order to borrow the library's computer, since I don't have a printer at home. I stopped by the new apartment (since I only received the keys the day before) to take measurements and really got depressed. It is so small, cheesy and plastic compared to the home that I am forced to leave. It was only about three in the afternoon when it started turning dark and I heard thunder and saw lightning. And then it started to rain really, really hard. I had to get back to the old place since there is nothing there yet - no furniture or food or even toilet paper or light bulbs in the new apartment. I was alone, of course. It would have been fun to have had a friend along. I decided to be nice to Sanna and let her have John Tell with her in the rain. I rode my bike splashing through puddles and shedding tears and was drenched when I got "home". I had to take all my clothes off.
The photo of the fireworks in the evening sky is from the Swedish holiday Valborg, April 30th, when there is a great bonfire to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring. And there are usually fireworks too. Forgive me for using it to illustrate the Fourth of July. The last time I actually saw fireworks for a celebration of the Fourth was long before I owned a digital camera. This photo was taken this April 30th.
First Commenter:
Rogues Artists

To read other Saturday Centus texts for Week 61 please visit this site or click on the image below:
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