Sigge says thanks - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus - Week 62

Welcome to Week 62 of Saturday Centus, Mrs. Jenny Matlock's writing meme that requests participants to write a text, fact or fiction, in any genre, using a given prompt and only 100 words. This week's prompt is:
"...and the sign read..."
Here is my text:
This is Sigge, my cat-friend, whom I often stopped to pet on the street. Sigge liked making new friends, even though he had a loving home and a cat-door.

Recently, I felt his bones when I touched him. His owners put up a sign asking people to not to feed him, as he gets everything he needs and medicine. He's just old and sick, but well enough to enjoy his favourite pastime.
Yesterday, Sigge wasn't sunning himself in his usual spot and the sign read: "Sigge has passed away, but before he did, he wanted to thank everyone who made his last days sweeter."

Wordcount according to WordCalc: 100
Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Duck and Wheel with String
P.S. This is a true story. My cat-friend, Sigge, the tabby tom, has passed away. There's a little more to the original Swedish text on the sign. Sigge asks us to take care of one another and all small animals in the world. Sigge even has a page on FaceBook, but I have not had time to look at it.
To read other texts for Week 62 of Saturday Centus, please go to this site or click on the image below:
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