A dancing princess

You may have noticed a new text on my sidebar:
Anna's Adornments is a blog about jewellery-making and anything else that either helps or hinders my creative process.
It’s one of several descriptions of Anna’s Blog. There are blog-rating sites that have given Anna’s blog a very low score because there is not enough ‘meta-texts’. I have been trying to figure out what is meant by a ‘meta-text’ and put more of them on my blog. My guess is that it is a text that describes the blog itself. So I keep trying to decide what it is that Anna’s blog is actually about.
Anna’s Adornments was originally thought to be about jewellery-making and it is still essentially about that. But there are so many things that seem to come up that are not strictly jewellery-related. This is why I wrote this new text.
Getting new materials, such as new chains and findings helps. More glass beads helps. Looking at the colour of the elderberries outside of Elisabet’s daycare center, helps. (The berries themselves look very black, and the tiny stems from each berry have a strange shade of pale brick red. Could I make something with beads that is similar to this colour–combination?) Combining different beads and findings, helps.
Unpaid bills can be a hinder. Debts can be a hinder. Lack of money can be a hinder. Lack of time can also be a hinder. Illness, sleepless nights or fatigue can put a damper on the creative process. Problems with other family-members are also a hinder because it takes your time and drains your energi.
Technical difficulties can hinder a creative process or point you in a different direction. I am seriously thinking about buying a new computer. I cannot always get online when I see a space of time to do a little quick-blogging. Time is limited when you have a seven-year-old and a five-year-old and no close relative living nearby who can lend a hand when you need it.
It snowed this morning. To the delight of the children, especially Elisabet, who loves snow. In my mind’s eye, I see her making a snowman or trying to ski. But it was only flurries, that melted into freezing-rain. Bone-chilling rain.
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