Sunday thoughts: Not the post that I had planned to make today

Inspired by Clara Drummond of Coming Back to Life and her kind habit of thanking all those who have advertised on her EC-widget the past week, I thought I would do the same by posting a list of all blogs with links to everyone who had been on my widget since I joined EntreCard in september this year.
Unfortunately, I cannot find any kind of document or archive that shows exactly which sites that have been on my widget. The page called "Transactions" shows only an advert number that does not seem to be tracable back to a site. I should have just made a note of everyone who was on my widget; I mean I should have written them down on a piece of paper! So that is what I will do from now on. I apologize to everyone who will not be rewarded this way.
If you had your ad on my widget sometime this past week or two (you do not have to remember exactly which date that it was on my widget), I will give you an extra link on a post next Sunday. Please leave a comment on this post.
So instead of giving my advertisers an extra bonus-link today, I am not going to write very much more than this. I am a little disappointed. I think I need a rest. I am going to take a break from blogging together with others in a meme. It's fun to visit other blogs and meet aquaintances, new and old; but I need to catch up.
I'll be playing "Mellow Yellow Monday" tomorrow.
Welcome back then!

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