A not so Wordless Wednesday

Good luck with that.
I have a schedule for my two blogs that I try to keep to. So I post in blogger on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and I post in Writelink on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Some of the posts are very short, gobbledygook or just a picture. But they get done every weekday unless I'm on holiday or having a crisis of some kind.
I don't know if I'd be able to think of that many topics! But there's always Wordless Wednesday and Saturday's PhotoHunt! :)
I did it last year and was soooo glad that I did! It was a great challenge to get you to think about writing everyday. I listed it as one of my two major things that have really improved me as a blogger. Don't worry about having a fabulous post every day--that may not happen. But it is a good exercise for the writer in you. I post almost daily now because of that challenge and it isn't as hard anymore. I take Sundays off to be with my family, but I still sneak it in every now and then.
Good luck! I'll be reading. :)
Thank you so much for caring, you sweet bloggers! This is all I need: scheduling, self-discipline and putting aside my pride for the next 26 days.
"Just get it down on paper!" as my dear father would have said. Yes, just get it down on the keyboard and SAVE it! I would say now.
I discovered only fairly recently that you can schedule posts on Blogger. Good for PhotoHunters and Wordless Wednesdays. The problem with me is I am too picky and like it to look neat, so I go back and forth correcting spelling and moving things around. And after so many years living with and writing in a different language, I make embarrassing spelling mistakes when I write in English. You would think that I am dyslectic.
I have competion close to home too. My own cat, Sara, has her own blog; and I think her readership is actually higher than mine. She complains that she has a hard time keeping up with Daisy the Curly Cat. She doesn't like dressing up in human clothes as Daisy is so clever at. Sara runs and hides under the bed instead. She claims that her talents lie in areas other than fashion. She plans to start reviewing books or perhaps the cinema.
Well, at least Sara seems to have know what to to write about on her blog. I don't really know what I am going to do the next 26 days.
Thank you for reading this far!
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