abc-Wednesday, Round 6-"K"/Alphabe-Thursday-"K"-"K as in Kindness"

Today is Wednesday (or actually Thursday) and I've decided to combine my posts for "abc-Wednesday Round 6" with Alphabe-Thursday, since a lot is going on right now. My K-word for both memes is KINDNESS. Nature is sometimes kind, and lets children only suffer the loss of one baby-tooth at a time. Yesterday morning (March 31st), Elisabet's first baby-tooth fell out. Here we see a happy and proud Elisabet on her way to pre-school ready to tell the world about her tooth. And s peaking of Kindness, here is what the Tooth-Fairy left Elisabet last night: Twenty-five Swedish Crowns when stuffed into her tooth-box. Now they are kept in her cat-bank. And here is Elisabet dressed as an Easter-witch. Traditionally children dress like little witches and go around giving away little Easter cards or sweets today, on Maundy Thursday. This is the one genuinely Swedish tradition that is the closest equivalant to the dressing up and "trick-or-treating"-tradition of Hallowee...