abc-Wednesday - "J"- "J as in Jewellery"

It's Wednesday today, and this week's letter for abc-Wednesday is "J". I am sure that I will not be the only one to choose the word "Jewellery/Jewelry". But I would be silly to not choose this word, since my blog is supposed to be about jewellery.

I had not started to design and make my own jewellery when we got married. Sometimes I wish I could get married all over again, just to make my own wedding jewellery! But I really can't complain. It was a nice wedding, I had a pretty dress, and I got to borrow a lovely green pendant that has a story all its own. You can see it on our wedding-photo:

Is there anyone who can guess the name of the designer/craftsman who made this pendant? If you think you know, leave a comment on this post. The first correct reply will receive a ten-dollar discount on any purchase of a single piece of jewellery from one of my Etsy-shops (parltradet or AnnasAdornments).

Take a closer look

Hints: This pendant was made of precious materials, but it is its craftsmanship that set it apart. It was not made in an English-speaking country, and it was probably made somewhere between 80 to 120 years ago.

You only have about a week to leave a reply on this post with your name and a way of getting in touch with you. You must leave your comment before I post next week's abc-Wednesday for the letter "K", when I will reveal the correct answer and tell the whole story about this pendant. You do not have to be an abc-Wednesday-participant to enter this contest, but you must be 18 years or older, be able to identify yourself, and have your own blog. In the case of conflict, I have the last word.

Good Luck!


Visit other "J"-words for abc-Wednesday here.

First Commenter:
Jay of The Depp Effect


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