Alphabe-Thursday - "J" - "J as in jewellery-making

Jenny Matlock

It's thursday today, and this week's letter for Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday is "J". My "J-word" is "jewellery" or "The joy of jewellery-making" (Which is also the tagline for my blog):

Here is Elisabet stringing beads on elastic beading-cord to make her own necklace.

Here we see a beadboard,

where Elisabet has planned her colour-scheme for her necklace.

Every beader starts out with an idea for their piece.
It is happy work.

But beading can be tiring if you are only five years old.

Luckily Mother can finish the necklace for her.

And let her take a rest.

Happy Alphabe-Thursday!
First Commenter: Vickis Place

For more Alphbe-Thursday-participants, please click here.

Take a look at my J-word-post for abc-Wednesday and try your luck in my contest by
clicking here.


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