Alphabe-Thursday - I is for ice and icicle
This week, the letter for Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday is "I".
My I-word is ice.
My I-word is ice.

Ice is water that is so cold that it has solidified and become hard and fast. Icicles are pointed pieces of ice that hang from something, such as a roof.

Icicles are formed when the changes in temperature allow the ice to melt and refreeze before the water has completely dropped away.
Happy Alphabe-Thursday!
First Commenter: Ann of Ann's Snap Edit Scrap

To see more posts about words that start with the letter "I", please click here.
Curious about my other ICE-Words on abc-Wednesdays? Click here.
Curious about my other ICE-Words on abc-Wednesdays? Click here.
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