Alphabe -Thursday: G is for green as in green beads
This week, the letter for Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday is "G". My G-word is the colour "green". Green means different things for different people. There maybe serveral who have chosen the word "green" being as it is so close to Saint Patrick's Day.
I'm not Irish, but here in the North, you start to think about the lighter shades of green after living with all this cold "white stuff" for so many weeks. Since I am trying to choose words that could be objects pertaining to jewellery-making, my post is about green beads.
I'm not Irish, but here in the North, you start to think about the lighter shades of green after living with all this cold "white stuff" for so many weeks. Since I am trying to choose words that could be objects pertaining to jewellery-making, my post is about green beads.

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