Alphabe-Thursday "H", "H as in heart(s)"

Jenny Matlock

This week, the letter for Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday is "H". My H-word is heart(s).

I have already shown a pair of earrings for Valentine's Day that are made of hearts:

There are so many good H-words. I almost chose "horse", but I could not get the pictures I needed to do it. Another word is "hand", because hands do the work in all "handwork", "handmade" and crafts. "Hand and heart" are symbols for the loving care that a craftsman (or -woman) puts into his or her work.
"Heart" as become a new-fangled synonym for "liking" something. On Etsy, you can "heart" a shop or an item, and that means that it is your favourite, that you like it.
"Hearts" to all who visit me today!
Happy Alphabe-Thursday!

To see more posts about words that start with the letter "H", please click here.
Curious about my other Heart-Words on abc-Wednesdays? Click here.


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